
關(guān)于欣光 About US

新疆欣光信息技術(shù)有限公司,位于烏魯木齊高新區工業(yè)園科創(chuàng )谷,注冊資金45000萬(wàn),是按照落實(shí)黨中央“加快推廣國產(chǎn)自主可控替代計劃,構建安全可控的信息技術(shù)體系"重要指示,為打造"安全自主可控設備制造基地"及“新疆先進(jìn)計算中心”實(shí)現集成電路、高端服務(wù)器及核心部件國產(chǎn)化、本地化,以及為構建"安全可控"黨政機關(guān)信息技術(shù)體系打下基礎而成立的。

Xinjiang Xinguang Information Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Kechuang Valley, Urumqi High-tech Zone Industrial Park, with a registered capital of 450 million. It is an important instruction in accordance with the implementation of the Party Central Committee ’s “Accelerate the promotion of domestic independent controllable alternative plans and build a safe and controllable information technology system” In order to build a "safe and self-controllable equipment manufacturing base" and "Xinjiang Advanced Computing Center" to achieve the localization and localization of integrated circuits, high-end servers and core components, and lay the foundation for the construction of a "safe and controllable" party and government information technology system established.

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